Why Mendel was successful in his experiments? How lucky was e and why did he chose pea plants?

Today, genetics is one of the interesting field in biology.  Without Mendel the word genetics itself is incomplete. From 1956 to 1965, Gregor Johann Mendel conducted his breeding experiment on garden peas (Pisum sativum). He was not the first one to conduct experiments in this field but rather was the luckiest one to formulate principles of heredity. His laws became the basis of the science of heredity and today he is known as the father of genetics.

So here i will enlist what were the secrets behind the finding of Mendel that later he became the father of genetics.

1. The first thing which comes to my mind is that he was fortunate enough select only garden peas(Pisum sativum) among rest of the other plants species as it has 7 distinct contrasting traits and were present on 7 linkage groups and followed law of segregation otherwise linkage would have complicated the results.

2. Garden peas are sexually reproducing self pollinating plants, which gave him an advantage in artificial breeding and controlled experiments, also they had a short life span so the results could be obtained faster.

3. All the alleles were independently assorting so he was lucky enough to obtain pure lines.

4.All the alleles showed dominant-recessive character and there were no interactions between them as the latter case would have lead to incomplete dominance or co-dominance or epistasis etc.

5. He studied one trait at a time with two contrasting conditions instead of studying the complete inheritance of the organism and there was no multiple allelism.

6. When many genes control a single character, they are known as Polygenic traits. Hopefully Mendel didn't encountered such traits which would have made difficult for him to formulate his results.

7. The fact that crossing over always happen post replication, helped Mendel to match his predicted data with the experimental one.

8. The traits which he selected were not sex linked, doesn't have an environmental effect and mobile genetic elements.

All the above factors would have failed Mendel in his experiments but still we can say that his luck and his hard work played a very important role to formulate his laws of genetics.

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